Please read the following before applying
One can become a CINTAA member by submitting the duly filled Membership Form of Rs. 500/- (non-refundable) along with the required documents. If approved, he/she can obtain 1st year work permit by paying entrance fees of Rs. 10,000/- (validity 1 year). On or before expiry of 1 st year work-permit, one can renew his/her second year work permit by paying entrance fees of Rs. 10,000/- (validity 1 year). In third year i.e. Regular membership there will be an interview/assessment of work done in past two years of work-permit. If admitted for regular membership, he/she will have to pay one time entrance fees of Rs. 10,000, plus membership welfare fund of Rs. 500/- and a regular subscription of Rs. 1200/- per annum. As soon as your card expires (validity as printed on the Membership Card), he or she must renew it. Failing to do so shall result in late fees and cancellation of your card. Prior to applying for membership of CINTAA he/she is requested to read, understand and undertake to abide by the Constitution of CINTAA and its rules and regulations. Time Taken: approx 10-15 working days.
कोई भी कलाकार रु.500/- का अप्रतिदेय सदस्यता आवेदन पत्र ठीक से भरकर उसे जरूरी कागजात के साथ जमाकर CINTAA का सदस्य बन सकता है। अगर स्वीकृति मिल जाती है तो वह रु.10,000/ (वैधता एक साल) प्रवेश शुल्क भरकर प्रथम वर्ष का वर्क परमिट प्राप्त कर सकता है। प्रथम वर्ष के वर्क परमिट की समाप्ति तिथि पर या उसके पहले रु.10,000/ शुल्क भरकर (वैधता 1वर्ष) द्वितीय वर्ष का वर्क परमिट प्राप्त कर सकता है। त्रितीय वर्ष पर नियमित सदस्यता के लिए इंटरव्यू लिया जाएगा जिसमें पिछले दो वर्ष के वर्क परमिट के दौरान आपके द्वारा किए गए काम का लेखा जोखा लिया जाएगा। अगर नियमित सदस्यता के लिए स्वीकृति मिल जाती है तब आप रु.10,000/- प्रवेश शुल्क और एक ही बार लगने वाला शुल्क रु.500/ सदस्य कल्याण कोष, तथा प्रति वर्ष लगने वाला अंशदान रु.1200/ भरना होगा। जैसे ही आपका कार्ड समाप्त हो जाता है (आपके कार्ड पर लिखित तिथि) सदस्य को उसे तत्काल रिन्यू कराना चाहिए। ऐसा नहीं करने पर उसको विलंब शुल्क भरना होगा साथ ही उसकी सदस्यता भी रद्द हो सकती है। सदस्यता के लिए आवेदन देते समय आवेदक को CINTAA के संविधान को ठीक से पढ़ना चाहिए और नियम एवं कानूनों का पालन करना चाहिए। इस प्रक्रिया में 10-15 कार्य दिन लग सकते है।
* please refer Constitution for details
Membership Type/सदस्यता के प्रकार | Admission Fees**/ प्रवेश शुल्क |
Validity/वैधता | Late Fees**/लेट फीस |
First year work-permit/ प्रथम वर्ष वर्क परमिट |
Rs. 10,000 | 1 year (From the date of issue of work-permit card)/ एक वर्ष (वर्क परमिट कार्ड जारी होने की तिथि से) |
Second year work-permit/ द्वितीय वर्ष वर्कपरमिट |
Rs. 10,000 | 1 Year/ एक वर्ष |
Late fees of Rs. 100/- pm would be levied after 30 days from the date of expiry of 1st year work-permit, subject to and restricted to a maximum of 12 months. Failure to renew your work permit within 12 months will cease your membership and you will have to reapply for fresh membership all over again./ लेट फीस रु 100 प्रति महीना प्रथम वर्ष के वर्क-परमिट की समाप्ति की तारीख से 30 दिनों के बाद लगाई जाएगी, जो अधिकतम 12 महीने तक सीमित और प्रतिबंधित होगी। 12 महीनों के भीतर अपने वर्क परमिट को नवीनीकृत करने में विफलता, आपकी सदस्यता समाप्त कर देगी और आपको फिर से नई सदस्यता के लिए, फिर से आवेदन करना होगा। |
3rd year i.e. Regular membership Entrance fees/तृतीय वर्ष अर्थात नियमित सदस्यता प्रवेश फी |
Rs. 10,000/-* plus one time members welfare fund of Rs. 500/- and subscription fees @ Rs. 100/- per month/ रु. 10,000/-* + एकही बार लगनेवाली कल्याण निधि रु. 500/- + रु. 100/प्रति महीना की दर से मासिक सब्सक्रिस्पशन फी |
Late fees of Rs. 100/- pm would be levied from the date of expiry of 2nd year work permit, subject to and restricted to a maximum of 12 months. Failure to renew your work permit within 12 months will cease your membership and you will have to reapply for fresh membership all over again. दूसरे वर्ष के वर्क परमिट की समाप्ति की तारीख से रु 100/प्रति महीना लेट फीस लगाई जाएगी, जो अधिकतम 12 महीने तक सीमित और प्रतिबंधित होगी। 12 महीनों के भीतर अपने वर्क परमिट को नवीनीकृत करने में विफलता, आपकी सदस्यता समाप्त कर देगी और आपको फिर से नई सदस्यता के लिए, फिर से आवेदन करना होगा। |
From 4th year onwards/चौथे वर्ष के बाद | Rs. 1200/- per annum/ रु. 1200/- प्रति वर्ष |
1 year/ एक वर्ष |
Late fees of Rs. 100/- per month would be levied after 12 months from the date of expiry, subject to and restricted to a maximum of 60 months only. Failure to renew your membership within 60 months will cease your membership and you will have to reapply for fresh membership all over again. कार्ड रिन्यू नहीं कराने की स्थिति में कार्ड की समाप्ति की तारीख से 12 महीने के बाद 100 रुपये प्रति महीना लेट फीस लगाई जाएगी, जो केवल अधिकतम 60 महीने तक सीमित और प्रतिबंधित होगी। 60 महीने के भीतर अपनी सदस्यता को नवीनीकृत करने में विफलता, आपकी सदस्यता समाप्त कर देगी और आपको फिर से नई सदस्यता के लिए, फिर से आवेदन करना होगा। |
The most important benefit is that it creates the feeling of oneness amongst the Members and gives a feeling of “ONE BIRADARI”
It is clarified that this compensation is as a welfare measure and not payable against any claim whatsoever raised against the CINTAA by any thus suffered member/nominee during the course of his employment with any Employer and shall be subject to the conditions laid herein for disbursement.
The amount of aforesaid compensation is subject to fulfillment of eligibility criteria please read the Constitution for further details and may be reviewed from time to time by the Executive Committee Members of CINTAA, depending upon the corresponding financial strength of CINTAA.
(Registered under the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926 – Registered No. 3086)
Affiliated to the International Federation of Actors (FIA)
The Cine and TV Artistes’ Association (CINTAA) shall be an autonomous Association having the following aims and objectives:
Membership of CINTAA is meant for any Indian national performer who is physically, mentally and emotionally fit to perform as an artist and who plays or has been engaged to play a significant role in a feature film, TV serials, Tele films, live performances, advertisement films shown on screen, digital or any new media who reside within the boundary of the Union of India.
Foreign Nationals: Foreign Nationals as well as Non- Resident Indians can obtain work-permit/membership of CINTAA as per applicable rules & paying the prevailing fees. Obtaining work permit/ membership is subject to holding a valid passport and duly valid employment visa/OCI/PIO. The validity of CINTAA work permit/membership card will be in accordance with the validity of dates mentioned on one’s passport/employment visa/OCI/PIO and the earlier date of expiry will be considered. They cannot be granted Life membership nor they would have any voting rights. Such foreign nationals/NRI cannot contest any elections of CINTAA.
Note:- The Executive Committee have the right to frame Byelaws required for live performance or any other media so as to cover only stage appearances as an actor and not celebrities.
Eligibility: (please note that the Scrutiny Committee has the right to chalk out Administrative guidelines for smooth functioning of the association subject to approval of EC)
For Senior or Established Artistes Executive Committee may provide direct Regular Membership upon payment of the full entrance fees of Rs.30,000/- membership welfare fund of Rs. 500/- and a regular subscription of Rs. 1200/- per annum. It is also applicable for Ex-Members applying post cancellation of their names from CINTAA due to nonpayment of their subscription fee or the Ex-members paying all above amounts along with lapsed subscription amounts due to non-payments in order to retain their old membership number .
Payment for children
Children below the age of 18 years are legally not allowed to operate bank accounts or sign legal documents such as contracts. Therefore, the payment made towards their participation should be in form of fixed deposits under guardianship of their parents/next of kin/guardians. Provided that a minimum of 50% of the payment must be set aside for children in fixed deposits or bonds that mature when they reach the age of 18 years. Out of the 50% given to parents / guardians the balance payment of school fee for that particular academic year should be cleared thus ensuring continuation in the school and indirectly assisting parents. The child’s parent would naturally be the formal guardians unless a case is made out that it would be against the best interests of the child.
7A Exempted Members:
It is clarified here that, CINTAA shall be open in receiving grievances of members which the Executive Committee will take prompt and strict note of and scrutinize and investigate the same. If any of the above said acts as mentioned in sub clause 8(c) are committed by any of the member, the said member shall be summoned by the Executive Committee for a meeting at a date and time fixed by the Executive Committee and the member shall be given a chance to provide his/her clarification at such meeting and the decision taken by the Executive Committee at/as per such meeting will be binding on the member who shall then be expelled. It is clarified that in such events the member will be given one notice to attend the said meeting with the Executive Committee and in event the said member does not attend the meeting for any reason whatsoever and/or is unable to provide an explanation which is satisfactory in the opinion of the Executive Committee he/she may be expelled in the said meeting and the same will be without any liabilities on CINTAA. There after the said member will be informed in writing of such expulsion. If, a member so expelled, has not been heard due to his/her unavailability for the said meeting he/she may within 15 days of such meeting send a written request to CINTAA for a meeting and accordingly the Executive Committee shall provide a chance to explain his/her conduct. If in such meeting an explanation is not forthcoming, or is not satisfactory in the opinion of the Executive Committee, the expulsion of the member concerned be discussed at the next General Meeting, or if deemed necessary by the Executive Committee at an Extra-ordinary General Meeting and any repeal of the expulsion will be based on a vote count of the members voting in favour of or against such expulsion. It is to be understood by members that an Extraordinary General Meeting would need huge costs to be incurred for the same hence such meetings will only be held if the same is deemed extremely imperative by the Executive Committee for all its members and CINTAA as an association and not otherwise. Further, to enable the members to vote in an independent manner, such expelled member may be allowed to present his/her explanation to the house but shall not be allowed to vote or be present during voting at the said meeting. The said member shall not be entitled to the privileges of membership, pending the decision of such General Meeting. (01.05.2016)
Compensation in case of {9-vi (a & b)} will only be given to the nominee of the Deceased on submission of the (i) application; (ii) death certificate of the Member; (iii) Affidavit containing the names, ages, occupation & addresses of all the legal heirs of the deceased member (iv) Indemnity from the Nominee on Rs.100 stamp paper stating that the claim paid to the nominee shall be disbursed by him to the legal heirs of the deceased member and all such liability shall solely rest upon nominee & CINTAA shall not be responsible in this regard (v) a letter from nominee addressed to CINTAA and documents showing the identity of the ‘nominee’. In the absence of Nominee on the record of CINTAA, the claim shall be paid to the spouse of the deceased, if any. Only a member, who has no outstanding dues to the association on the date of the unfortunate event or/and was not given any kind of monthly help in the form of ‘Relief’/ Financial help/Medical assistance during his/her life by CINTAA and or CINE Artiste Welfare Trust, will be eligible for compensation under the above Clause {9-vi (a, b & c)}. The above compensation will be paid to the Nominee Member/or family Member of the deceased ONLY.
It is clarified that this compensation is as a welfare measure and not payable against any claim whatsoever raised against the CINTAA by any thus suffered member/nominee during the course of his employment with any Employer and shall be subject to the conditions laid herein for disbursement.
However final discretion lies with the Committee. The aforesaid benefits will not be available to the Members in default of their subscription unless exempted. The amount of aforesaid compensation may be reviewed from time to time by the Executive Committee Members of CINTAA, depending upon the corresponding financial strength of CINTAA.
Senior Vice President
Vice President
General Secretary
Senior Joint Secretary
Joint secretary
The books of accounts of the Association shall be open to the inspection of any member or officer at the office of the Association during the hours which the office of the Association is open on any day excluding holidays, with prior permission from the General Secretary. However, all Executive Committee members of the Association will be at liberty to inspect the books of accounts during office hours without prior intimation/permission of the General Secretary.