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  1. No Artist shall be replaced without obtaining their/ CINTAA’s NOC.
  2. Any member who desires to read the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting should come to office and read the minutes with prior written permission of the Hon. Gen. Secretary.
  3. Any member making a query pertaining to the regular operations and accounts of the Association shall first approach the CINTAA office. If the same has not been replied to/ resolved within a period of 3 months, the member can approach Labour Commissioner’s Office directly, after informing the CINTAA office in writing. Any member approaching the Labour Commissioner’s office to obtain such information, without approaching the CINTAA office first, shall be served a show-cause notice and disciplinary action shall be initiated.
  4. Any benefits (Clause 9 – Benefits) whatsoever by the Association will not be available to the Members who are in default of their subscription, unless exempted by the Executive Committee, by passing a resolution to this effect. The Executive Committee also reserves the right to ask for relevant documents, including but not limited to bank statements/passbook, utility bills, ITR or any other document as deemed fit by the Executive Committee for such sanction. The Executive Committee’s decision upon scrutiny of such documents shall be final and binding on the member. The discretion and decision of the Executive Committee shall be final and binding.
  5. In cases of alleged sexual harassment or assault charges against a CINTAA member, irrespective of the fact whether police complaint/FIR has been filed or not, the Executive Committee resolves to take suo -moto notice of the same and to give Show-cause notice of 3 days to the errant member, but the final decision on the action to be taken by CINTAA, subject to some prima facie/evidence/witness, will be taken by a majority voting by the EC after due observance of principles of natural justice, including suspension of membership, which shall be final and binding on the member. The action to be taken by CINTAA will strictly be in accordance with the provisions of the constitution of CINTAA and in consonance to the law of the land. In case the complainant is a member of CINTAA and legal proceedings have been initiated by the complainant-member on his/her own accord, CINTAA would be fully supportive in the investigation or any other capacity the member wants help in including legal representation. In case the complaint by the complainant-member is found frivolous, the EC may take strict penal action against such complainant-member.
  6. The quorum of the Executive Committee meetings can be completed via video calls etc incase the physical presence of the Executive Committee member is not possible, for reasons stated in advance by such Executive Committee member.
  7. It is resolved that 10% of the surplus amount of CINTAA’s earning per annum will be appropriated specifically towards the welfare fund of the association by way of compensation to be given to CINTAA members and/or their heirs/nominees.
  8. It is resolved that upon receipt of written application by the applicant/work-permit holder and upon approval of the Executive Committee after exercising their discretion and scrutinizing his/her financial condition the entrance fee of Rs. 10,000/- can be divided into 4 installments of Rs. 2500/- each and the artist will have to give 4 PDC’s for the same. Incase any cheque gets dishonored, then the membership of the artist shall stand terminated with immediate effect. If the artist wants to still become a member, he/she will have to apply for membership from the start.